VIII of Wands:
Represents, as in the picture, a flight of wands, or rods, or even arrows in the open air toward a particular destination. They are like guided missiles that signify that something is immediately at hand or just on the verge of occurring.
It can be likened to a messenger that brings news to light. The green sprouts that are shown on the wands suggests that the nature of the event is new. This is not the kind of news that one has to be patient to wait for. Either, it will come to the inquisitor's knowledge in almost no time, or it is currently acting upon an element for which the questioner is asking. Whatever the case, this card signifies that it is too late to try to avoid, for the action is already in motion; the arrows have been released. Generally, there is no need to try to avert it, as the event at hand is more often than not considered positive, unless surrounded by negative cards in a reading.
This card is pretty much the only card in the tarot deck that intimates without doubt that an event is promptly to come.
From the romantic point of view, this card indicates that new bonds are immediately at hand or existing relationships have become transformed for the better by some particular event. It is also the arrows of cupid. When seen in reverse, it can indicate events that invoke jealousies in either the questioner or the subject of the reading.
Spiritually speaking, this card signifies epiphanies and realizations that herald new eras of activity and higher consciousness in spiritual life.
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