Wednesday, May 6, 2009

No More Science and Math... At Least Relatively Soon

It's Wednesday but it feels like Sunday.  Such is life during vacation.  Vacation, what vacation?  I can't relate very much.  But hey, I got into UF Journalism College.  Ho-rah! I just found out yesterday.  It felt good for a few minutes.  I yelled rather loudly when I saw it online.  My daughter came in annoyed as usual but then actually smiled when she heard the news.  I have orientation on Friday.  I still have to pass my CLAST test for Math in order to get my AA, as well as take two online Science classes over the summer.  I'm taking Animal Behavior and Meteorology.  They sound interesting enough.  One of the classes I know the teacher but the other, God help me.  It's all a crap shoot.  He didn't get very good ratings but I didn't have much choice.  It's all academic now, though... at least I hope.  Imagine if I had failed one of my classes.  I came pretty close on two of them.  Still, my GPA remains at a respectable 3.61 and I am in.  After this CLAST test, no more Math in this lifetime except for the only thing I'll ever need anyway- day to day arithmetic.  You know, like how many seconds do I have before this avalanche buries me or will I have enough cash to pay for this stuff when I get to the cash register and shit like that.  After these two science classes, no more science this lifetime either.  Thank the good Lord of everything that is holy, unholy, in-between, attractive and repulsive.  No more Science and Math.  Good bye, good riddance and good luck.

Yeah, what vacation?  I've got to study for this CLAST test and I set sail for the green pastures of the Northeast on May 13th.  I'll be working my ass off and I won't be back until school starts on my birthday- August 24th.  I've got some more things to do in-between-time like a ton of paperwork.  I'm going to have to work for two days also during this upcoming weeklong "vacation."  Yippe.  

Shyam is showing me his poems every day and voraciously reading astrology books.  Sounds like he takes after someone I know, at least a little bit.  His poems are pretty good.  Very thoughtful.

I am still at 207 pounds.  Keep hitting the gym but have ate at night a couple of times.  My body doesn't like this eating at night stuff.  It feels dysfunctional when it does.  Must curb this habit before it's too late.

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